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What snack would you eat right now?

Right now I would really love to have a Reese’s peanut butter cups, zesty Doritos and Dr Pepper soda pop. I haven’t been able to have any of purchase the said items because it’s been so cold out lately since Tuesday morning where it’s been -40 for a lot of the time. Mind you it’s -40 degrees Celsius here in Canada and it really sucks because I can’t even think about going outside in fear of getting frostbite and falling on the ice. But I’m also thinking about getting a pizza and Cesar salad after this weekend going down the drain. I’m sorry about the complaining but it’s hard to do anything else whenever you rely on public transportation of any kind doesn’t make sense to go outside unless my friends or family decides to help me out and wants to drive me around and running errands for me. And I’m craving some snacks for myself and other stuff like that. I looked at the thermometer and it says -40 degrees Celsius