

What strategies do you use to cope with negative feelings?

I write about a lot of things that I deal with in my journal both positive and negative thoughts about myself and everything else. If I don’t it’s just be that much more worse than before because I’ll ruminate a lot more than before. It just makes it easier to deal with and then when I decide to go to therapy I can share my experiences and feelings with others that are traumatized like me and get the support that I need from others for myself. I also have a tendency to create playlists for myself and my various emotions and feelings which dictate my mood so that I can relate to them personally. Sometimes it’s hard to tell them what is bothering you and I think that you’re not feeling alone instead because you can relate to the music that you listen to and gain some sort of connection with others that way as well. Music and journaling helps me feel good about myself and get things out of the way. I also find that various types of therapy is very important for me and my own experiences and well being. I’ve been doing counseling at different times in my career so it helps me to have insight into how and why I do things differently. I know that I struggle with anxiety and depression and social anxiety and isolation. I just want to be able to function well in life and not feel stressed and overwhelmed by things outside my control.